The Hollywood BusinessSource Center (BSC) has provided continuous business assistance to
Terryl Daluz and Andrea Carter, owners of Wash My Dog LLC. Terryl first came to the
Hollywood BusinessSource in 2018 for assistance with business licenses and permits to
launch their pet grooming business in Lakeview Terrace. After an initial assessment, a
Hollywood BSC business consultant provided Terryl with training about business entities and
access to capital. In 2019, Terryl and Andrea returned to the Hollywood BusinessSource
Center for assistance in preparing their first business loan application to increase advertising
and purchase supplies to keep up with the increasing demand of their pet grooming business.
During the loan application, the Hollywood BSC assisted them with a business plan,
profitability analysis, financial projection and access to capital consultation. These services
were not only important for the loan application, but also helped with managing the business
and resulted in increased revenue. In September 2019, their $40,000 loan application was
approved and funded, and the increased funding is expected to help generate two new fulltime jobs.
The BSC also referred Terryl to the Hollywood WorkSource Center for help in hiring
qualified candidates and to learn more about the on-the-job-training program, which he plans
to utilize for his two new positions.